A Vision For The Self Actualized Life - Get Yo Ass Inspired!


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hey this is Leo for actualised org and in this episode I want to share with you a vision for the self actualized life the inspired life the kind of life that's available for you I just got back from a two-week pretty intense consciousness retreat where I did a lot of inner work and a lot of thinking and introspection a lot of pursuing of enlightenment and also meeting and talking to a lot of interesting people who are involved in self-improvement in some fashion and one of the things that I kind of realized is I just realized how lucky I am to be where I am in 2015 just reflecting back on what happened this year for me I took five retreats I invested over ten thousand dollars just in taking retreats traveling around the country I took three vacations a seven day vacation a ten-day vacation I'm going to take another vacation coming up here two more to wrap up this year I get to set my own schedule I wake up whenever I want I go to sleep whenever I want I work in my underwear although right now I'm wearing pants as I shoot this got to keep things professional right umm I earn six figures doing what I love this year I released my dream project the life purpose course which I really wanted to release because it feels like I get to use it to to improve the world for the better to make my contribution impact on the world so that was really big for me worked really hard on that I've received thousands over a thousand thank you emails and thank-you comments on YouTube on my website in my inbox every single week it's amazing to read some of the some of the emails that I get from people that get progress in their life from for applying some of the concepts that I teach I bought pretty much everything that I wanted every gadget every electronics thing television compute like whatever I want gadget wise or books or you know anything I want materially I basically have there's there's like there's not much more I want I've pretty much exhausted all of my material desires except for maybe buying a house which I could do if I wanted to but I just don't want to tie myself down with that right now and my emotional and my mental development I feel like it's skyrocketing and growing at rates that I never imagined was even possible I thought that I already knew so much but it's like no there's more and then there's more and there's more and I'm just discovering that it's like it's never-ending how much I can learn and how much I can grow myself and how good I can feel in my mind in my body on a daily basis so the reason I say all this is not to brag but just because I was at this retreat and I was really having some deep conversations with people and one of the individuals I met there was this a 20 year old kid and he was inspiring guy because I just talked and listened to his story in fact I got a lot of people's stories there but his story was interesting because he actually became an apprentice and he was at this at this consciousness thing for eight months straight he was living there full-time working at it full-time that was like his whole thing but before that he was basically just like an ordinary teenager ordinary kid who just played video games back to his thing was that he played Wow for like ten hours a day that was this thing just went to school [ __ ] with friends and played Wow for ten hours a day and that was his life and then he came here and he just had this complete like mind-blowing transformation and what was interesting is that he was learning consciousness work at this retreat and that's cool you know conscious work is a very specific thing it's a little different from self improvement or personal development work but you know we just try to talk in and I was talking about what I do and the concepts that I talked about on my channel fourth and he just got curious and we just started talking about and I was trying to like help him a little bit give him some advice about becoming a writer because he wanted to become a writer and one of the things he got from doing this conscious work is that he saw that [ __ ] I'm wasting my life playing Wow 10 hours a day I should be working on my writing and so he actually started working on his writing started making plans for all that stuff but we started talking late at night and basically I started exposing him to self-help material so some of the advice that I'm exposing you guys to here through these videos I was starting to expose him to some of that stuff and it was starting to blow his mind I could see it it's like he was listening to some of these concepts it was the first time he ever heard about some of these concepts even though he was doing conscious work and you know conscious northing I said is a different thing but it blew his mind because he's like oh like it's actually possible to engineer systematically engineer an awesome life for oneself like it's possible to create an amazing career with passion it's possible to like get your financial freedom in life it's possible to like learn a lot about relationships and about sexuality and all these other domains business and marketing and so forth and like set up an amazing lifestyle for yourself like it blew it was blowing his mind that this stuff is possible to do and yeah I was you know telling him more and more about this news getting curious but what shocked me was it was an epiphany for me was that he was shocked by the fact that these are possibilities for him and what clicked in my mind is I had to slot I'm like oh my [ __ ] god ordinary people I'm so involved with self-improvement work that I'm like out of touch with the fact that ordinary people don't even know it's not that they don't know that there's personal development work that they should be doing it's like they don't even know that there is such a thing called self improvement at all this concept is completely foreign to most people like it was for this guy I was telling you about something seventies he's just like oh my god I never realized like I could actually live a life that's passionate and that feels like I'm alive that's like not what all my friends are doing and not what like my family is kind of expects they need to do I just like thought that I was just like go working some regular job you know in a grocery store or something like this or bartending or whatever and maybe just work a little bit on my writing you know like that was kind of his plan and it blew my mind because I realize like holy [ __ ] what needs to happen here more than me just communicating a bunch of techniques to you guys and concepts and advanced theory Theory collide ia's what needs to happen is just more communication of the vision of what you can create for yourself and what I really want you to buy into is the idea that there is this thing of self-improvement and not just a 20% self-improvement or like a 50% self-improvement but like uh five thousand percent twenty thousand percent like life altering radically changing how you feel about life who you think you are in life what you're doing in life like completely wiping the slate clean and rebuilding yourself kind of self-improvement one of the problems is that most people don't really realize that this is out there this is possible it seems like a fantasy especially if you're stuck in an environment with friends and family who set a shitty example and the fact is that most friends and family set a shitty example including my own I came from a background where that was the case so I wasn't privileged in any way by having some great well-functioning family in fact one of my main motives I think for getting into this work was because of how shitty the example was set by my parents so there's that but then there's also pop culture so you watch movies video games television all this kind of stuff Netflix Internet you just get sucked into all that and then pop culture basically destroys your capacity to live a creative fully alive life and it robs you of this drive that you could have so this was an epiphany that I had I think that more needs to be said about this like just hammering this point home because I want you to see what you're missing out on in your life because I don't think you get it even if you're following this work even if you're dabbling a bit in self-improvement I still don't think you get just how much you're leaving on the table right now and how much is possible for you so I want to share a little bit of my vision for what self-actualization is what I call self-actualization this actually concept that I was inspired to take from Abraham Maslow who I think coined a term self-actualization here's how he defines it it's the realization of one's potentials capacities and talents the fulfillment of one's mission in life a fuller knowledge of one's intrinsic nature getting really in touch with your authentic self and becoming a whole human being not the fragmented human being not the small petty human being that you are right now it's an unceasing trend towards unity and integration within yourself Maslow said there are two types of pleasure scarcity pleasure and abundance pleasure scarcity pleasure is the relief that one gets from the loss of tension and anxiety ringabel isn't that what you're doing with most of your goals in life right now is you're trying to reduce tension fear and anxiety and pain and this gives you a certain kind of pleasure when you do this a certain relief and you think that you're actually accomplishing a lot and it's a good first step but then consider abundance pleasure abundance pleasure is the ecstasy at functioning at one's prime the ecstasy of functioning at once prime it's not just about fixing a dysfunction that you have it's not about curing your depression or it's not about fixing your crappy job and getting a good job no it's about the bliss that you get from living an excellent virtuous life from acing life there's a very big difference from like failing at life to doing good in life to acing life that takes a whole new level of commitment I know a lot of people who are relatively successful they earn 50 to $100,000 a year which is good enough to get them the kind of nice basically comfortable carefree lifestyle that they want and sure they have some higher aspirations but but basically you know they're just kind of like living well which is easy enough to do in modern society but they're not really functioning at the peak of their potential I wouldn't really call these people self actualized or self actualizing seif actualization is a this is an ideal you never really get some ultimate destination it's a it's a trend an unceasing trend as Maslow says a trend towards what well it's the pursuit of the following is the pursuit of humanity it's the pursuit of creativity it's the pursuit of knowledge the pursuit of fairness rationality playfulness authentic love virtue truth beauty and a feeling of joy and real deep gratitude and fulfillment with life notice that this is not just getting security in life or getting comfort in life this is something very different than that if you're living your life for security and comfort which probably 90% of you are then you know that's a good start you got to start somewhere but that shouldn't be your vision your vision has to be higher it has to really tap into the ultimate of what a human being can be let me tell you little bit about that what's possible for you what is possible for you if you really commit yourself to a lifelong path of self-actualization work of working not just on the outside circumstances of your life but mostly focusing on really the inside circumstances your beliefs your attitudes your habits and patterns and so on there's a real huge difference between the regular life and the self-actualized life and you'll start to see more and more of it as I talk like I said it's living to the peak of human capability and most of us state we don't really know what the peak of human capability what this means because we're growing up in a culture around us and are the people that we grow up around are probably pretty average they're probably pretty neurotic and dysfunctional they're not really superstars because even if once in a while you do encounter a superstar chances are he or she then exits and passes through your life because usually superstars want to associate with other superstars that's one of the secrets of of moving up in life associating with really ambitious people who really understand this vision for what they can get out of life and they're really bought into it and if you grew up an environment where your parents or friends or siblings they weren't bought in and your co-workers weren't bought in and so forth then you don't even know what's going on like what is possible for you you think that what's possible for you is just what's possible for the common herd like a cow who grows up in a factory farm doesn't really know what it's like to really be a a cow who lives on a green beautiful pasture out in out of nature all he sees is just the feedlots and all the other cows crammed in together in some aluminum shed which is not how you're designed to live imagine for a minute a moment in your life where you felt the most alive with creative energy where you were giddy with creativity you were working on something or you had some brilliant idea or maybe some artistic inspiration or you were just blown away by something that you read and you wanted to do more with that or you were blown away why by piece of music or you blown away by something you saw in the movies or maybe you were blown away by something you saw out in nature or you were moved by some speaker that you heard speaking giving a motivational speech or whatever imagine right now conjure up a memory from the past you have one of these memories where you really felt creatively alive and maybe you have to go back 10 20 30 years to find this moment all the way back maybe to your childhood but you can find one of these moments and go ahead and just close your eyes for just a few seconds and try to recall the emotions in your body that you actually felt when you were creatively alive and really juiced up and really like ready to go do something in the world close your eyes right now and picture that try to get a little bit of that feeling back in your body if you can here's what's possible you got that feeling here's what's possible what's possible and you're probably not going to believe this but what's possible is that you can live every single day of your life feeling that way consistently every single day waking up charged and feeling alive and eager going through your whole day creating and stoking up even more of that energy and then going to sleep after a whole day of work and all this kind of creative cool stuff that you do and all these ideas that you have and going to sleep almost more excited than when you woke up because you got so much done and now there's so much more to do that's what possible it's possible to turn your work into your top passion it's possible to be creatively driven in your life and to have that imbue and soak through into every aspect and facet of your life from your relationships to your finances to your health to everything else it's possible to really make the most meaningful contribution that you can possibly make to the world it's possible to actually live that and to do that to be a leader to be someone who's inspirational to others it's possible to free yourself of your neuroses and your fears and any kind of other limitations that hold you back and SAP this aliveness feeling that you were just experiencing when you were visualizing your memory it's possible to remove all those balls and chains that are tied to your feet that are holding you back to break all the shackles and it's possible to really learn and master all the key areas of life career wealth health friendships intimate relationship self-esteem and confidence so you have really strong confidence in yourself really full self-acceptance you're like a fully integrated human being where you don't browbeat yourself you don't sabotage yourself you don't feel guilty you don't feel shameful you don't feel sad you don't feel nihilistic you don't feel depressed you don't feel angry towards others you don't feel critical you don't feel negative at all you can learn to shed all those habits those are all internal toxic habits that you think is just the norm and part and parcel of being a human being but it's not it's just that the society we grew up in we think it's kind of a good society but it's a it's a really toxic society toxic culture environment and we just we just normalize to it and we think that asks what's normal and that's what's typical and that anything else seems like it's a fairy tale or it's only for certain kinds of people who are special in some way or who've been privileged or have a lot of money or some other thing like that but that's not the case at all it's also possible to learn and master emotional development so you can really master your emotions and of course your family life all those family issues that you have not just I'm not talking about just removing all the problems from all these different domains of life like career wealth health family friends and so forth I'm talking about like acing and excelling and being superb and deriving bliss in each one of these categories right but this takes work this is not something you get easily this takes a lifelong commitment to self self-actualization work a lifelong commitment to self improvement and a lifelong commitment to learning about all the deep material that you need to learn all the conceptual frameworks and theories and techniques that you need to learn for for mastering all these areas which is what I was talking about with this guy at the at the retreat you know we were talking with this I was talking with this kid and um you know telling him that there are all these different categories you can improve yourself in all these different categories you can rank yourself on how good you are right now in each one of these categories how much suffering you have or how much bliss you get from each one of those and then you can take on a systematic effort to master each one of these areas career your wealth health self-esteem family and intimate relationships and so forth and you can lock each one of these down systematically over time and you can buy books and you go to seminars you can find videos and so forth and you can get coaching and you can learn from experts who have aged all these areas you can put it all together for yourself and this is not a fantasy this is not this is nothing that's like you know it's not like winning the lottery it's not like an accident that maybe it'll happen for me someday no it's guarantee that it'll happen for you if you just commit to it and you put forth work every single day it will happen for you let me share some what I call kick-ass goals that you might want to set for yourself as you're thinking about your vision for the future because what I really want to get across to you here is you need to have a much larger vision for your life than you currently have not five times larger or not telling like a hundred times larger than what you currently have you're selling yourself very short and you're setting your goals very low you need some much more inspiring higher consciousness goals to shoot for so let me just give you a little list of some stuff that might be interesting for you that might really get you excited to to do the self-actualization work how about this one for starters how about you can create a life where you never have to worry about money ever again never have to worry about it because you're always guaranteed to get more how about a life where your work is not work but it's like play it's your greatest joy and you're doing service to the world that really means something to you and lights you up and brings you deep joy and satisfaction how about developing full emotional control I mean conquering your depression your anxiety boredom and pain and suffering anger and negative thinking and fear how about conquering all of those because you can if you want to how about developing yourself beyond that to become a really grounded emotionally imperturbable human being whatever I think about this I think about Marcus Aurelius the Roman Emperor whose whole thing was emotional mastery living a noble life being grounded being rock solid it's kind of a stoic ideal stoicism you can develop that as well and it's a lot easier these days actually than it was 2,000 years ago German during a Marcus's time because we have so much more psychological understanding we know pretty much everything about how the human mind works we've mapped out psychologically almost every neurosis and also every ideal and potential of the human mind and every capability that there is so all that knowledge is available to you right now really easily really cheaply very efficiently how about as a goal to have deep understanding of how the world works like real satisfying deep knowledge that makes you feel at home in the world because you literally understand everything you need to understand about life that's very possible in fact I'm feeling more and more that I'm getting to that place and I'm going to be there very soon and it's a really satisfying feeling how about a really successful intimate relationship that's pretty rare a really successful fulfilling intimate relationship that's very rare very rare very very rare most people have no idea how to create that for themselves how about amazing sex also very rare sex is an interesting one because sex can be a low consciousness value it can also be a very high consciousness value depends on how you think about sex how mature you are about sex how really how much you've studied and developed yourself sexually the ability to have multiple orgasms really deep intimate sex really dominant sex squirting hypnosis there's so much you can do with sex Tantra you can use sex for for enlightenment it's quite and quite incredible what you can do with sex it's a really deep field that most people never even bother to study they have even no clue that they can go so far with sex no clue at all how about confidence really developing yourself developing your core confidence so you're really sure about yourself your decisive you're assertive you accept yourself fully your flaws and your weaknesses you accept those too it's not about becoming perfect and kind of cultivating this kind of deep self-love where you love yourself as you are even with all your imperfections that's a pretty worthwhile goal how about traveling hobbies really putting yourself into a place where you can savor the full richness of life life in the 21st century offers so many incredible hobbies and adventures and places to travel to you can travel all around the world you can see amazing monuments and sites you go to amazing restaurants you cannot engage in incredible hobbies probably hobbies that you didn't even think existed and that certainly didn't exist several hundred years ago all of that is available quite affordably these days you can really sample the richness that the entire planet offers before you die it's pretty worthwhile goal I think really see what the world is about see how it functions see how other cultures and people function how about as another goal physical vitality and energy not feeling exhausted not feeling drained like you do after you come back from work dead tired fat and overweight and not strong kind of weak and anemic how about instead the opposite of all that you're energetic your vitality z' ah just shooting out of you just is kind of radiance of a live energy that comes to force through you physical strength and flexibility and endurance and enough energy to get through the day without having to be liquored up on coffee and energy drinks and pip pills and all this other kind of crap and then of course transferring that beautiful energy that physical vitality into into the bedroom how about rich and rewarding friendships not the kind of crappy friends you have or just like your victim companions who you all get together in [ __ ] and moan with but like really uh friends that are inspiring to you who are out there who are superstars or acing life just like you are who are self actualizing and getting a circle of those kind of friends around you friends who challenge and push you and who share the richness of the world with you how about as a goal becoming a leader of other human beings and inspiring them and being a role model and setting an example with your own life that inspires others and moves others to become great how about being creative to the ultimate degree and advancing humanity in a meaningful way whether through invention or art or scientific discovery or product creation consumer products technology and so forth how about breaking free of the rat race your 95 job the two weeks of crappy vacation that you get and the toxic pop culture that you are inundated with every single day television internet social media smartphone breaking free of that how about living a life with integrity a life based on principles for their own sake so you can feel like you've lived a noble life when you're dead like your life was extraordinary in the full sense of that word and that you're really proud of the kind of life you lived this intense pride for your life not in an arrogant gloating sort of way but actually in a very humble sort of way where you realize and you're grateful for how lucky you've been and all the great stuff that's happened to you and all the great people and things that have come into your life that you've been able to seize those opportunities and make something out of those and pride in the fact that you actually committed yourself to making something more of yourself than the average person does and that you somehow left the world better off than when you came into it through your work how about enlightenment how about realizing the true existential nature of yourself other people and reality that's possible for you did you know that did you know that you can discover the answers to those questions philosophical type questions that you would think there are no answers to well actually you can get experiential answers to those questions very profound answers that will completely transform how you see life and people it will even transform how you see life and death including your own death how about as a goal having the time to contemplate and reflect on life to really appreciate and see the beauty of life to savor that beauty not just to be running around a hamster in a wheel all the time frantic and doing this and that and bouncing between 20 different things with a full schedule and trying to juggle ten different balls in the air and being all neurotic and and anxious about not having time to even when you have your victories your little petty victories when you have those you don't have any time to really select and contemplate and savor them do you know you're just rushing through you just going through the motions how about as a goal though that you actually make that time for yourself you actually do more with less time and you leave time open to really savor and appreciate the beauty of life and how about is your ultimate goal that when you're lying on your deathbed you die with a smile on your face without fearing death without all the regrets that normal people have when they die but really understanding that you went all out and you soaked in everything that life had to offer all the richness and all the possibility that you really sees as much of it as you could not perfectly but you seized as much of it as you reasonably could be expected to and dying knowing that you accomplished everything there was to accomplish here on earth and you've savored everything that there was to savor with this human body apparatus that you've been given did you know that that's possible for you as a goal these things they might sound like a pipe dream these might sound like wishful thinking they're not these are all very practical pragmatic things that you can set as specific goals for yourself and you can achieve them and not just like checking off a bucket list that's not what I'm talking about here I'm talking about really transforming the very core of your being to embody all of these things and to not just achieve them but to be fulfilled by them and to savor them and to really appreciate them and be grateful for them that's what I talk about when I talk about my vision for a self actualized life when I think about self-actualization it's a pretty abstract term it could mean a lot of things for a lot of different people it might just mean general self-improvement to you it just might mean like Oh getting a better job or earning some more money or something I know to me what it means is in me these more noble higher consciousness ideals the kind of stuff that most of us don't even think about ever in life like 10 years for the average person 10 years could go by and not one of these goals that I talked about would even be considered as possible or really be seriously pursued so this is what's possible for you now notice this is different than just being rich or successful I don't really like to push being rich and just being successful for me here the emphasis and the difference is on personal emotional growth because I know rich and successful people quote unquote successful people who do not touch many of these goals that I talked about and I wouldn't really call them self actualizing people because they're not really emphasizing their own inner transformation emotional growth maturity spiritual growth you might say although I really like that word spiritual growth might be a good way to put it so that's what's possible now I was talking about some of the stuff with with this kid at the retreat and he was getting excited by these very curious about me spent a lot of time he spent several hours talking about all this kind of stuff I gave him various tips that I um that I give you guys through through these videos one of these he asked me says he asked me so Leah are you happy now was an interesting question because I thought about them like yeah am i happy and at the time I was actually quite frustrated doing conscious work is is a really surefire way to make oneself frustrated and actually I was at that point my life were I was thinking through a lot of stuff working through a lot of stuff I wasn't really happy but one thing I could say is that I was fulfilled fulfillment versus happiness happiness is like an emotion it comes it goes sometimes you feel sad sometimes you feel frustrated or angry or pissed off or afraid or whatever it goes up and down fulfillment though fulfillment is what you experience when you're on the self actualizing journey when you know that you really are self actualizing when you've started when you've gotten past the couple first years of real you know rocky ground or you're falling off track a lot you're not sure if any of this stuff works once you get past that and you finally commit to self actually [ __ ] and you see that it's possible you see that all this is possible and you're going for a now full-bore on and stuff is clicking for you that's when fulfillment starts to come fulfillment it's just like this general sense of that you've got life handled or that even those aspects of life that you don't have handled you'll handle those and then ultimately you see the beauty of life you see how much there is to appreciate and you know even though I'm not happy all the time you know I would bet that most of you think that I'm happier than I actually am on a daily basis which is false that's that's a wrong assumption on your part I'm not that happy but what you probably underestimate us how fulfilled I am generally speaking like I'm at the point in my life and I'm not trying to brag here but I'm just trying to show you like what's possible because most people don't believe that this is possible it sounds hokey and you know what 5-10 years ago I probably wouldn't have believed it as well but right now I'm at the point my life where I get tears tears of joy like literally tears of joy that pour down my cheeks at least once a week when I reflect on the quality of my life and also the trajectory of my life and also what I've accomplished in my life and what I'm doing and the impact that I'm having on other human beings so like tears like tears right um this is one of the most profound own feelings that you'll get and probably the most inspiring reason to become self actualizing and to do this work is because at one point you will reach this point in your life I guarantee it if you do this work where you will just sit down you will look at life and you'll just have tears thinking about how privileged you are to be able to to experience this because this is very easy for me to imagine a life where I was born and I grew up and just the universe reality or society or whatever was so constructed that basically I was not able to get any of this right none of this was bit would be possible either because I'm living in some sort of dictatorship regime or because human technology hasn't evolved let's say if I'm living 10,000 years ago or because because we don't have the knowledge and information available to allow this kind of stuff or because it's way too expensive like it might have been a thousand years ago or because the government doesn't have the laws that allow it or even because human psychology is different and it doesn't allow it what if you were born a chimpanzee self-actualization would probably not work for you so well right and you probably couldn't really do the things you could do as a human being we're really privileged to have been born as human beings and not something else in a sense we're also cursed but if you can conquer that curse you can get to the to the highest potential of humanity that's a really beautiful thing it really starts to change how you see humanity for a long time in my youth when I was in my kind of philosophical phase I'm doing a lot of philosophy I was I was very misanthropic and I kind of hated humanity hated society and hated all the evil stuff that it does and there's a you know there's a lot of truth to that low consciousness humanities really ugly but also what starts to happen once you do the self actualization we can start to see that actually there's high conscious humanity - and that's basically what you're working for and you're working towards you're working towards moving yourself out of low conscious humanity towards higher conscious humanity and when you get here and you live from this place what happens is that all this nastiness over here just kind of dissolves it all becomes understood you just become peaceful about it you accept that you understand it you can even love it that's what it means to be a fully integrated and whole human being you accept reality as it is not as some ideal but as it actually is and this is out of most people's wildest imaginations about what's possible I can't really even describe and articulate all the crazy [ __ ] that's possible all the amazing stuff that's possible for you in this work it's hard I have to sit down and really think about all this stuff before I came up here and started talking about it because there's so much and I really struggle it takes me a lot of time thinking about this stuff to fully articulate in a concise way and this is not a short video all these points so at this point you might be wondering okay Leo how do I self actualize what should I do how do we take this from the vision to actual reality well it's true you need both right you need the vision you need the ideal to inspire you but that's not enough this is not the secret this is not Law of Attraction we just get a sick back and just wish and have your vision and it's all done for you no not that easy I'll give you a couple of steps no real practical steps you can start doing today step number one is knowledge you need knowledge to self actualize one thing you're lacking is accurate high-quality information how do you acquire that well first you make a commitment to become a lifelong learner learning should be a top priority in your life learning through thinking through reading books through talking to people through going to seminars and etc etc all the different ways you can learn taking notes keeping a journal keeping a diary this is mandatory this is not optional learning does not stop after high school or college or after your PhD is done here's a really good tip invest 10% of your income every year into learning that means if you make fifty thousand five thousand a year invest it into books seminars self-help products therapy coaching or whatever other way you can use to learn get creative with it you'll actually find it's quite challenging to spend ten percent of your income on learning if you are in a hundred thousand dollars a year right now then that means ten thousand dollars a year on learning and then once you spend that money then you have to create the time to actually read all those books or listen to all those seminars and so forth step number two start making small changes in your life right now you don't need any huge drastic things like quitting your job and becoming a millionaire to start this process so the first thing you're going to do is become a learner you can do that right now even if you're poor you can go buy a couple of books for twenty bucks that will change your life second step like I said is sort making small changes what I mean by that is eliminate toxic habits the most toxic have is you have eliminate those start building good habits start building a strong morning routine healthy morning routine that inspires you and energizes you and I have other videos and episodes where I talk about bad habits good habits and so forth I'll give you a lot of ideas for different habits you can create meditation would be one great habit to install one or two bad habits to remove would be eating unhealthy foods especially wheat products lots of sugar eliminate those or if you drink or if you smoke or ingest any kind of drugs eliminating those or limiting your negative thinking habit eliminating your social media / internet / TV habit so you get the idea there these are little things you can do without quitting your job and without leaving your marriage and so forth little things start with little things it will add up before you can make really big inspiring changes in your life sometimes you just got to get like the basics down you can't make a big inspiring change in your life win for example you go binge drinking every Friday and Saturday and just totally waste yourself not going to work so fix that first fix the basics there's a lot of [ __ ] you could fix right now in your life that's just like very basic stuff and then emotional mastery focus your attention on mastering your emotions at least a little bit especially the most negative emotions for example if you have crippling low self-esteem if you have anger issues if you have rage issues if you're constantly critical of the world if you're constantly negative if you're a troll if you're crippled by fear if you have a lot of negative limiting beliefs and if you play the victim all the time and you blame other people for why your life is so miserable then those are all areas you need to start addressing now how do you dress all those there as well I have a lot of videos on it all these various topics but also you can go read books seminars see step number one for that it's not rocket science here all this stuff solutions to all these problems are well researched well documented well known and they're all proven and they work if you go out and find the right ones so that was number two now step number three once you get a little bit of that stuff handled kind of the toxic dysfunctional stuff then step number three should be find your life purpose and man this is a very deep topic it's a very important topic you need to find your core essential purpose in life you need to find out who you are authentically who you are as a human being as a personality and I'm not going to talk much about that here but if you're really interested in that and you want to really a that then go check out my ultimate life purpose course it's a 25 hour course plus even more material that I'm adding to it soon uh that's just some of the most life transforming material if you go and do those exercises that I tell you that course it will change your life that's step number three you need a life purpose I don't just say that because I have a product no don't get that wrong I have a product because this is such an important point that's why the product was created I didn't just create a random product I found my life purpose I discovered what was most important to create a self actualized life and it just so happened that it was live purpose and most people have no idea what their life purpose is so this is a critical component that virtually everybody is missing you need this component otherwise you will not be fully self actualized not even close and step number four is and it's a little more advanced become financially independent when you free yourself from your nine-to-five job and you become your own boss or at least you are not reliant and you know what's the word you're not desperate for money and you're not working 80-hour days because your boss is forcing you to otherwise you can get fired when you can disconnect from that and set your own sane schedule and your own sane work hours and also pay yourself well support yourself financially this gives you a level of confidence and freedom and ability to then go out and really do the deep self-actualization work and fully and richly enjoy life so that's step number four I'm giving you a broad outline here so I'm not filling in all the details you're going to go find out how these are big goals it'll take you probably multiple years to work on some of these goals like your life purpose like becoming financially independent but you need to start thinking about this stuff in planning ahead that's it those are the four steps if you do those four steps I'm going to be pretty confident that you're going to be well on your way to self-actualization and if you don't do these four steps or you skip some of them then I'm going to be very worried for you and I don't think you're going to get there so in conclusion your life is short live your life like you have a burning midlife crisis right now I don't care how old you are if you're 15 if you're 20 if you're 30 if you're 40 for 60 right now is your midlife crisis moment I've had at least two or three midlife crises already and I'm only 30 that's a good thing get them out of the way early what else have you got to do with your life can you come up with a better vision what else have you got go with the best vision that you find available whether you came up with it or you want to use my vision or you want to use somebody else's vision you find some better vision some book somewhere go do that but I doubt you'll find something much bigger than what I outline for you here because this encapsulate a whole lot of [ __ ] this encapsulate basically what it means to be an extraordinary human being what else have you got to do what TV playing World of Warcraft going out and banging girls getting drunk on the weekends working 80-hour weeks at your law firm for what what what the [ __ ] are you doing are you thinking about where that's going to lead you in 20 or 40 years keep doing that think wiser and hold this vision in your mind every single day every single day because there's nothing better that you can do with your life there's nothing that will bring you more joy or more satisfaction or more fulfillment right this is Leo I'm signing off go ahead please click the like button share this video with a friend because we need to get more people bought into this idea of self-actualization it makes the world a better place for all of us and lastly come check out actualize that world right here have a free newsletter I am committed to releasing new videos and episodes every single week covering all the aspects and facets that you need to master life and to inspire you in to motivate you to really keep you on track my mission even more so than just giving you information and content that you can use and techniques is to give you the vision that you need to remind you of when you're off track because you know what the whole difficulty with this vision that I gave you is that you're going to fall off track you're going to forget you're going to go unconscious you're going to fall back into your old habits it's emotionally difficult you're going to struggle it's not easy this is not a get-rich-quick solution so the point of actualize that org is to be a resource here to inspire you and to remind you and to keep you conscious when you go unconscious and to keep you on track so one commitment you can make that would really move you forward on this journey is to watch one video per week commit yourself to that just so you can stay on track or however you want to stay on track have a weekly reminder that keeps you on track letters good for that signing up to the channel is good for that the life purpose course is really good for that alright so I think you get that point I'm signing off I hope you're on board with me subscribe sign up and I'll see you soon you